Is Dental Flipper a Long Term Solution?

You have lost a tooth or you never had one there in your jaw. The gap is clearly visible when you talk to somebody or laugh at a joke cracked by one of your mates. Not everybody mocks you. However, sometimes that gap takes away your confident smile. Even If you don’t care when a few contemptible moronic guys point at that missing tooth to poke fun at you, better you should care. Procrastinated replacement certainly leads to bad consequences. You are already facing some eating and speaking problems. Soon you may also lose the bone if the replacement is not done correctly on time. Therefore, it is better to see a dentist. A dental implant is comfortable and the perfect solution to restore the functionality you are deprived of due to missing teeth. When your dentist is busy in other appointments or you need a temporary solution before dental implant, then you can place an order for dental flipper online.

set-of-flippersDental flipper: A dental flipper is a temporary denture to fill the gap while you are waiting for implants. Flipper is far less expensive than dental implants, partial permanent dentures, and dental bridge. Therefore, people sometimes wear flipper for years. However, still you should wear it for short term and opt for dental implants that can serve the purpose for approximately four decades. Mostly, acrylic is used to make flippers. The tooth or a set of teeth is set into a solid base. Flipper is brittle in nature. It is lightweight and very easy to wear. However, it does not perfectly mimic the actual functionality of the real teeth.

Problems associated with a flipper: Its stability is lesser than that of implants and bridges. There is a pair of wire hooks that holds it in its place. These hooks are easy to flip in and out. This ease is the problem. It can move out of its place when you are eating, smiling and even when you are speaking. It can cause some other dental issues like plaque buildup, infection and inflammation in gums, and this eventually may lead to tooth decay if it is not washed using the right solution. If you want to count on this temporary solution for long then floss and brush your teeth with extra care. As it is brittle, you have to be careful while cleaning. Applying too much pressure can break it.

Benefits of flippers: Flippers are custom made and the cost depends on the number of teeth to be replaced. Therefore, the cost may vary from $300 – $500. Prefabricated flippers that cost $10 to $20 are also available in stores. However, there is no guarantee that it will perfectly fit in your mouth. Only custom made flippers can serve the purpose of a temporary replacement. You can get your custom dental flipper online. No need to visit a dentist in person. Just take your dental impression using a dental impression kit and send it to a store manufacturing custom flippers. Soon your flipper will be delivered to you.

Conclusion: Flipper is a not a permanent solution. Those who wear it for years, clean it regularly and carefully. Moreover, they replace it with a new one after a few months. Therefore, if some teeth are missing in your upper or lower jaw then book dentist’s appointment for dental implants.

One thought on “Is Dental Flipper a Long Term Solution?

  1. I think, dental flipper is a worse alternative for dental implant but sometimes it might be good, if you are waiting for the implant. But if you are thinking about the long term or permanent solution, then it is not possible with dental flipper because they are not stable all the time. Sometime people ignore their flipper while chewing due to discomfort.


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